March 29, 2013

cerpen failure

"Bak! Solat subuh bak! Bangun bak! Bak! Bak! Dah 6.45 pagi ni dah bak! Bakkkk oooh bakk!", kejut si anak, dengan penuh kasih sayang, menggerakkan badan ayahnya perlahan-perlahan. Sudah beberapa kali dikejut tetapi dia tetap masih tidur.

"Pelik, mungkin semalam bak tidur lambat agaknya?", tertanya-tanya anaknya keseorangan diri.

Si ayah bukanlah orang yang kuat tidur pun. Malahan senang sekali terkejut daripada tidur apabila mendengar bunyi-bunyian, dan juga senang untuk dikejut bangun.

"Tetapi....mengapa hari ini...........bak susah sekali hendak bangun ya?", tanya hati kecilnya lagi.

Dia berhenti mengejut bapaknya, lalu merenung dan melihat wajah dan badan ayahnya, dan memegang tangan dan kakinya sekali.

....baru dia perasan, mata ayahnya sudah tutup rapat, badannya juga tidak naik turun kerana pernafasan, tangan dan kakinya terasa sejuk dan kaku sekali.................................

"Tidak mungkin! Baru semalam aku kucup tangannya, mencium pipinya! Dia kata kepadaku dia menyayangi ku, sesuatu percakapan yang tidak selalu ku dengar. Aku senyum dengan penuh kegembiraan kembali kepadanya lalu masuk ke kamar tidur.... Tidak! Tidak mungkin secepat begitu bak meninggalkankuu! TIDAAAK!", jeritnya dalam hati lalu air mata berlinangan dan jatuh membasahi bumi.........................

March 26, 2013


The past does not matter anymore. The best of sinners are those that repent. Changing for the better and leaving what was wrong, and obligating to Allah's orders, were all hard initially. Who said it was easy anyway? Jannah does not come at a cheap price. 

So nurture yourself with sincerity, patience and consistency, you'll manage through. Giving up can never put an end to anything. If you fall, get back up and try again. You're only at loss if you quit it all. Slow and steady wins the race afterall.

la tay-as!

Jangan buat kegagalan memutuskan semangatmu untuk terus belajar. cuba lagi sekali lagi dan banyak kali lagi. Kawan-kawan disekeliling kita mungkin lebih baik prestasinya, dan kerana itu mungkin juga boleh membuatkan dirimu berasa tertekan tetapi cuba pujuk diri dan jadikan diri lebih positif. Jadikan kawan-kawan disekeliling kita sebagai saingan yang sihat. 

Dan sebagai kawan yang baik, tolonglah kawan yang perlu pertolongan supaya sama-sama dapat berjaya! :D


Pelik. Sebahagian orang meletakkan loceng jam untuk berbunyi supaya mereka dapat ke kerja tepat pada masa. Tetapi mengapa tidak pula berbuat begitu untuk bangun solat Subuh? Pelik. Tidakkah Tuhan yang memegang ruhmu apabila kamu tidur dan memulangkan ruhmu kembali apabila belum lagi sampai ajalmu? Maka kenapa tidakkah Tuhan yang kau segera sembah? Bahkan, kau segera ingin mengejar dunia saat kau sedar daripada tidurmu.

March 25, 2013


I....personally just can't stand emotional guys. Like no, guys aren't supposed to be emotional. You guys are supposed to be rational. Even I can chill better than you. Ugh. Some people. Go far far away ahhhh play kite. Women are already emotionally unstable, we don't need men to add on to the emotional wreck we already are. Men and women are to be together to complement each other, not go against -____- GOD, please knock some sense into these emotional beings. I can't standdddd them anymore.

March 15, 2013

unsettled issues

We all know the saying "Everyone's entitled to their own opinions". So why now are you making so much fuss about it? I believe that for as long as one's opinions/perceptions/principals/stands are based on Quran & Sunnah and upon the right methodology, so why not hold on strong to it? Just because people talk about you? No way one has to follow the crowd, blindly.

Fact is that, everyone needs to be advised on no matter who the person is. But the right way isn't to advise one publicly, in front of everyone - this is called embarrassing, not advising. Further more, I bet you'll gain hatred instead of some gratitude. And no, you do not end everything with "PLEASE THINK!", with the tone like that person hasn't done any thinking, or has not think deep enough, or prolly in disbelief that the person is stupid enough to actually hold onto that opinion. Yeap, didn't know I was thaaaaat stupid to actually hold onto an opinion despite having solid daleel about it. YEAAAAPPPPPPPPP THANKS, MAYBE?
One may have the knowledge, the right intention, but wrong approach. If either one of this goes wrong, then that's that. The other party would not be affected by the advice so everything's gonna stay the same. Its back to level zero, or prolly now, minus 1000000000000 (haha, just exaggerating). 

So please, keep on reflecting. Thanks and goodnight :)

March 14, 2013


Disclaimer : never been good at writing poems /facepalm

Memorising the Quran is so much fun
Who says its not deserves a punch
Such beauty in just a line
How can you not fall in love with words so fine
The world is a fantasy
Hope people will snap back to reality
Life is a transition
A mighty deception
So don't get fool by its beauty
Lest you'll find yourself being all dirty
Things may get tough
People may get rough
But be patient through it all
And don't make them the reason for your fall
So stand quick and stand up tall
Seek patience through prayer
Coz that's a way to make you stronger afterall
You may read you may memorize
All these may get you pressurize
But rest assure, if you do it with the right niyyah
Allah gonna help you and ease your affairs yeah

March 11, 2013

March 6, 2013


Down with fever since Sunday night, and its Wednesday today, I'm still recuperating at home. Allahul musta'an. Even mom got worried sick that she asked me to call the clinic up to inquire about blood test for dengue. But please, somebody! Assure her that I am fine. I am totally fine, really. Prolly...just that....I needed more than 2 days of M/C. I' fine by tomorrow........I guess?

Come, make du'a for me!

March 1, 2013

..the one of the deen

"Men are prone to be affected by temptation by what he has seen, because the emotional reaction in man usually starts immediately  after they view an image. And scientifically has been mentioned that man by nature is visual spatial. Meaning, that man's visual space is more active than that in women. that's why when a man goes to see a potential wife, he doesn't care what she do for a living, or how much money she has, these are just the sides. But the first thing he cares is the image. And if shes not nice, he wouldn't be asking of her anything else"

Pity to such men of those who had chose beauty over deen. Tell me about the state of their marriage. Tell me about the state of their condition. Tell me. How many marriages had stayed strong thus far? Tell me about all these. Tell me about the statistics of divorce. Tell me how are the spouses. Tell me about the ratio. Tell me about such marriages that are based upon just looks.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: "A woman may be married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage (family status), her beauty or her religious commitment; Choose the one who is religious and you will prosper.” - (Sahih Bukhari)

Of all those mentioned, all are temporal except for one. If marriage is about completing half of the deen, wouldn't we want that half to be the best? We are not just living in this world and that's that. But the world is of ephemeral joy, and there's Hereafter which has yet to come and Paradise all are looking forward to. So, marry the one with deen, marry for the sake of Allah - put these two conditions as priorities before anything else. Afterall, beauty; subjective & superficial.

bila-bila sahaja

Biar pun kesedihan dan kepahitan dirasa, mata menangis walaupun ia nya mengalir darah, hati berasa berkecamuk dan seperti diri hendak rebah jatuh ke tanah saat tika salah satu orang yang disayangi, dikasihi, dicintai pergi meninggal kita, kembali ke pangkuan Ilahi, akan tetap ku kumpul kekuatan untuk menuju ke rumahnya. Kini, tinggal satu sahaja kewajiban ku atasnya : solat jenazah bagi nya. Tidakkah itu baru tandanya cinta?

Dpd Aisyah r.ha dia berkata, Rasulullah salalllahu 'aleyhi wa salam bersabda "Tidaklah seorang jenazah yang disolatkan oleh sejumlah orang dari kaum Muslim yang jumlahnya menapai seratus orang di mana kesemuanya meminta syafaat untuknya melain permintaan mereka akan diterima" (HR Muslim : 947)

Andai aku meninggal, tidak kira apa usia ku, mari menziarahi daku, solatkan daku, doakan daku dan iringi daku ke liang lahad ku.