January 25, 2013

keep calm now

Ugh, why did I even............

Sometimes, a warm feeling overwhelms you when you reminisce about the past, about the people whom watched you grew up, about those whom have always been around you through thick and thin, in difficulties and in ease. I do miss those moments, those friends whom I used to hang out with. At times when you feel as such, so you tend to look at their profiles and browse through their pictures, wishing them their well being.

However, as you browse through one by one of those pictures, your lips crack into a smile but yet your heart feels so much pain. It is just something I regretted doing; leaving them. And now, when I see them back again, it hurts so bad to see them became worse than who they were before. But I know who they truly are deep inside and all I could do right now, is just to make lots of du'a for them. 

It has never been easy to change for the better and leave all the bad habits. But we need to start somewhere if we really want the change. Friends are there to support you and to help you up when youre down.

I, prolly, have not been a good friend. I, blame myself for all of these. I, just can't make myself accept what had happened. I, wish I could make a comeback and make their world not revolve around what it has been revolving around right now. I, shouldn't have left. Should not. I, am feeling the utmost regret. 

You, prolly might not understand.