April 26, 2013

sorry but no

I used to love music; muse/ jamming/ guitars/ drums/ bands/ screamos/ metal/ RNB/ hiphop/ jazz (and the list goes on). You name it. I loved every single thing about it. I loved it so much that the last thing I used to hear before bed was music, and the first thing when I wake up wld be the same too. It felt like in my own zone, in my own world. It was nice, but never was it calming. It was there to give a peace of mind from all problems, but never the peace of the soul. 

It was like, come and sit with me, and we can sing all day. Come and sit with me, we can strum the guitar all the way. (But honestly, I do not know how to sing and play the guitar! My friends used to teach me, but I lost it all along the journey!)

But, I call it all quits now when I got myself into a new school, a new environment, new people, new teachers, new system, new education. Prolly the word new ain't quite exact, but new is just something different, isn't it? So everything was all......different. I got a (kind of) culture shock. I mean, to be from where I was to where I am now. To change my life 360 degrees completely was smth I didnt expect or even want to but at the same time, nothing of my regrets. 

So right now, I've friends who are still in that aspect of life and are inviting me to their performances. I used to be there for them, cheering them on, feeling the pride of "YEAAP! THAT'S MY FRIEND UP THEREE! MYYYY FRIENDD!", but I guess, everything has changed now.

"Please come down and support me!", she persistently asked me, a few times now. 

I wish I could, cried myself from the inside, but NO! I tried to crack a smile but erk... :/ 

"Said youre my friend! So you've to come down and support me!", she tried once again as I guess my face just simply spelt obvious reluctance.

Gosh.. I am sorry, my friend. I wish I cld be there for you like old times. But things aren't the same anymore. 

But know that, I'll be your support, your backbone, in nothing except goodness that bring you success in this worlddddd and the forgotten Hereafter.

Old promises broken. Old friends gone


Old memories stay.