Selamat Hari Raya uolls! Eid Mubarak! Taqaballahu minna wa minkum! Kullu aam wa antum bikheyr! Ramadhan had left so quickly and I bet everyone felt that Ramadhan this year was the fastest Ramadhan they've ever experienced :/ So yesterday morning was just so exciting 'cause I couldn't wait to pray Eid. Stayed awhile after that to listen to some tazkirah and people were emotional about it since it was pertaining to family and the Hereafter. Brrrrr...
SECONDLY ....okay this is so gonna be cliche but stillllllllll,
I would like to seek forgivenessssss from everyone, I mean, everyone is fighting their own battles and monsters, and trying to be someone better, right? Mohon maaf zahir dan batin, 10 jari ku menyusun plus lagi 10 jari kakiku meminta maaf, dpd hujung tudungku sehingga ke hujung stokinku.
5th semester is nearing to an end. What we are left now are just another 2 more schooling days and 2 weeks of exams and............then the final and last semester. Allahu Akbar. SO MUCH FEEEEELS AND EMOTIONSSSS...I just can't djkfndsklfhalkrf. I really do not know whats in store for me in 2014, but I put my trust in Allah to make my 2014 a smooth sailing one in sya Allah. Till then, lets just enjoy whats left of 2013 with dearest classmates and schoolmates.