January 23, 2013


Been getting emotional lately ever since last Sunday's event especially, when it comes to knowing kids are deprived of attention/love/care from parents and not being nurtured well enough. Its something that married couples should really take in consideration. Having children is not something easy, though the thought of having many children around brings so much joy and blessings.

The fact that the world today is of something upon materialism and nothing more than that, has inflicted so much pain in children. Many these days are left empty by their parents, to be taken care of in childcare centres, handing over a whole weight of responsibilities to teachers in charge. Parents "pampering" children with electronic gadgets and keeping them at home watching televisions and playing games all day all night rather than having their children out, running around and socializing with others, is something that prolly many do not realize that it has brought more negativity than what they think it may bring.

Such calamity had they brought upon themselves, unknowingly!