Just wanna share a few things about parenting.
- Discipline children in a way children will respect you- This is something that prolly (many) parents failed doing so. When a child has done smth wrong and starts answering you back, you do not scold him back, you do not lock him in a room, you do not beat him back! You be more of a parent, not lesser of a parent! Try to reason things out. Listen to him. Knowing that you listen to him, he'll in return, listen to you too.
- Do not let your child find others because when he does, society will mould your child.- Hence parents need to know of a way to get the child's attention so when a child finds comfort in talking to you, he'll turn to you if he has any problems.
- Start parenting from the day the child is born. Many too said, better start when its still in the womb.
- Never raise your child to give in to society. This just simply means, when a society is all bad, tell him that he should be firm in his principles despite whatever his peers may say.
- Do not limit your child's potential- (Many) parents think they know their child well but that's where it is all wrong. Children have the greatest potential when (especially) parents have faith in them that they can achieve whatever they wanna do! So, just be helpful and be supportive! Be generous with kind words and praises too!
- Have halaqoh at home- Which simply means, have everyone gathered around you and share knowledge! This, can lead to a tighter bond amongst family members too.