January 26, 2013

alter ego

I used to wish for a sister. I used to wish for a twin that has the same character as mine. I used to wish this and that and people always say "beware of what you wish for!". I shrugged it away thinking its impossible for it to be true, but little did I know, my wish was granted, in the most unexpected way. I thought opposites attract and likes repel - according to Science and oh boyyy, Science have failed me again.

Before anything, let me put up a disclaimer note : No, I am not gonna be so sweet all over, so I apologise for killing your joy in you having wanting to immerse in sweetness.

I've never met anyone as similar as myself except you (the word 'similar' itself is already an understatement).  I've never liked being the same like anyone else. It has never been a joy. However, I just gotta deal with myself in a whole different way ever since you got closer to me. Just, yeaaapp, suck it allll in, honey!

Well anyway, on the brighter of life, no doubts that yes, you've brought so much liveliness into my life as much as I've brought into yours! /oops I just can't seem to drop my ego around you. I've learnt a whole big deal from you too, all praises be to God. From having to suffer in agony (HAHA OKAY THATS JUST EXAGGERATING!) from daily monologues, talking to an alter ego is the best for one to be understood.

Looking back at where we came from and how/who we used to be, its amazing looking at where we are right now (though honestly its of nothing much, but the changes we made in ourselves is obvious enough  just enough from the way we view things now as compared to the past - for an example.) Just that, just the change in point of view has totally flipped our life 360 degrees. So many changes we have made in our life just by changing that, hasn't it?

Who said changing was ever easy? Who said kicking away the bad habits are as easy as A B C? People see us; the way we dress, the way we speak, the way we do our stuffs, and they judge so easily. They do not know our history neither can they ever understand what we'd to go through to be where we are now.

But once people know, they tend to look up on us. But no, they need to understand we are nothing. Prolly yes, we can be inspirations to some but do understand, that we are still the same; human beings. We err and only the foolish reverts back to the same mistakes on purpose.

So anyway, I just wanna tell you that I am proud of you that you finally made the decision to stand in front of everyone to give a speech and voice out your concerns though you've personal issues which I like to deem as unreasonable. You've given the chance, so grab it! You might never know your words can make an impact in anyone's life.

I know that your enthusiasm, your determination, your will power, your strength can bring you far. This is prolly a stepping stone for you in doing da'wah. I see great potential in you! You've the confidence, and you can speak eloquently well. I wish to see you go further ahead in life, so far, that someday you'll bring a change in the community! May Allah ease your affairs, gives you the strength and patience you need! <3

You might prolly still wonder whats so touching about that, so you see, like I said, my heart can't explain some things and your mind can't comprehend those things.

May we together spur on each other, be each other's support and strive for the best and not settle for the less! 

Walk the talk.