June 14, 2013

Just feeling the absence

We tell some to keep quiet while theyre talking to us, not realising that prolly we are the only one they are comfortable to talk to.

We tell some people we dont want to know, not realising that prolly they just want you to know whats happening in their life. But when they tell others or not talk to you abt it, you feel upset about it.

Some people just want others to listen to them. Its not a hard task, aint it not?

Now that when the person's gone, will you not miss his/her presence? Bet you wouldn't mind them talking for hours long.

Why wait for one's absence to appreciate his presence? Be a human.

June 12, 2013

A lil bit of reflection

Just few days ago, I got back from a 5D4N camp. I was the one of those programmers & game masters (as usual). Honestly, I find everything was a huge pile of mess. Every single thing screwed up. This is just what I think, prolly because I have high expectations for a good turnout.

However, no matter how long we planned for things to flow on smoothly, it is still God who decides and afterall, He is the best of all planners.

Many hiccups happened along the line, not wanting to mention anything but heres one/two obvious problems : miscommunication & messed up itinery.

It was of no joke as I felt rage burning inside me. But hey, gotta keep calm and continue maintaining a good composure (hahahaha).

Despite all these, those who werent people of the organizing/planning team, didn't feel the fire. It was a breeze to many and they felt that the camp was awesome.

Well, all in all, heres one important take-away, it could have gotten worse had I not have a supporting partner.

Having someone who supports you is so vital in a huge event. Firstly, handling a mass of participants (200 pax this time round) ain't a joke and is not an easy task. Hence, one can't do his job all alone, so obviously in need of assistance and perpetual support.

...gotta run now! Reaching school in a few stops. Will blog again whenever I've time to do so. Its quite convinient to have Blogger app in my phone uh?

Kadang kala buat bodoh lagi baik daripada melayan

Kurang memahami mengapa ada sebahagian orang suka menyibuk tentang perihal orang lain walhal dia bukanlah daripada ahli keluarga mahupun kawan rapat.

Ada beberapa soalan yang dituju kepada saya di ask.fm yang sebenarnya kurang sesuai untuk saya menjawab di sana. Mungkin jika awak benar-benar ingin tahu tentang beberapa perkara atau orang yang wujud dalam hidup saya, ada baiknya memberanikan diri untuk mengenal diri kepada saya dahulu.

Face me, and ask me straight in my face :)

June 10, 2013

"Makaruu wa makar Allah, wa Allahu khairul maakireen"

Mungkin salah satu sebab mengapa kadang-kala apa yang kami rancang tidak berjalan dengan begitu lancar kerana tidak meminta pertolongan daripada Allah.

Kita kadang kala alpa dan terlupa, malahan kdang kala pula bongkak kerana berfikir kita dapat melakukan segalanya dengan usaha diri sendiri. Apabila sudah ditimpa kesusahan, barulah ingin merenung kembali kesalahan yang telah dilakukan dan membuat perubahan untuk memperbaiki keadaan tetapi segalanya sudah pun terlambat.

Mungkin kita juga lupa bahawasanya manusia boleh sahaja tidak tidur malam untuk merancang sesuatu supaya segalanya berjalan dengan lancar, tetapi Allah yang menentukan dan tahu yang terbaik untuk diri kita. Sungguh, Dia lah yang sebaik-baik perancang.

Walau apa pun, biar sahaja perkara-perkara sebegini diambil pengajaran atau iktibar supaya tidak melakukan kesalahan yang sama pada masa hadapan. Kini walau terasa segalanya "it screwed up", kawan mengingatkan diri bahawasanya segalanya berhikmah.

Pada setiap sesuatu yang Allah uji kita dengan, cuba cari pengajaran darinya.
Allahul musta'an T__T

June 4, 2013

we can plan for all we care, but God's plans are better

We are at our 5th sem now (6 sems in total) and time is flying too fast. Our diploma years are ending in 9 months time in sya Allah. "What will you be doing after this?", a question oftenly asked. Many playfully replied with "KAAAHWWINN!", though I personally favour finishing my studies till menara gading then off I go with the prince charming (ceyyy God knows who, so don't even think of spreading any rumours - again). 

Some girls may prefer having a man by them, but I...........am so used to being with myself that I don't quite want to get married anytime soon T_T .....and stay at home to cook and clean (swear not my forte! But can make it ahhh with some help teeheee teeeheee teeeheeee!) But of course, apart from that, I don't think I'm ready for any lifetime commitment just yet *wails*........................but kalau kahwin sekarang and dapat sambung belajar...........meheheheheheheh lol >:)

Marriage comes with big responsibilities, precisely why the huge ganjaran promised from Allah. I am just afraid of having wrecked children, and a messed up household T_T ....looking at the state I am in now (haha). And to add on, getting asked by Allaaaahhhhh in the Hereafter for not being a good wife?!!?!?!?!? for not being a good mother??!!?!??! for not bringing up children the right way?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?! -cries-

How easily do these youngsters get married but they don't think far? What do you end up with? An increasing numbers in divorce statistics! (Na'udzubillahi min dzalik)

The fact that I am in the teaching industry has taught me a lot............................. Its just sad to see the current state of those innocent lil kids. When I've any, I'd take care of them myself T_T You people have no idea what caregivers/maids can do to your kids *cries*! Further more, if you want the best for your kids, you yourself have to see them grow up right in front of your eyes. Hate it how parents spend little or no time at all for their kids, then send their kids to childcare/school and expect teachers to turn their little beasts into promising little well mannered prince/princess. JUST NO >:(

Eh eh eh okay its 2:52 AM now. Shall continue doing my work before turning in. 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just look! My time management is horrible. Omg :-(